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Apology Tour Shrinking

Jimmy Embarks on Apology Tour in 'Shrinking' Season 1 Episode 7

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In the aftermath of his drunken rampage, Jimmy (played by Jason Segel) has embarked on an apology tour to make amends for the havoc he caused. The seventh episode of Apple TV+'s "Shrinking" Season 1, titled "Apology Tour," follows Jimmy as he confronts those he wronged and attempts to repair their relationships.

Key Highlights:

Jimmy apologizes to his friends, family, and colleagues, including his therapist Paul (Harrison Ford) and his ex-wife Liz (Christa Miller). Each apology carries its own emotional weight and reveals the extent of Jimmy's remorse.

The episode features a powerful scene in which Jimmy confronts the daughter of a man he accidentally killed while driving drunk. This confrontation forces Jimmy to confront the true consequences of his actions.

"Apology Tour" is a pivotal episode in "Shrinking," as it marks a turning point in Jimmy's journey towards recovery and redemption. Viewers can expect a poignant and emotional rollercoaster as Jimmy navigates the challenges of making amends and rebuilding his life.
